5 pensamientos en “Ibanez SV470OL Electric Guitar | 1994 Catalogue

  1. Pingback: Ibanez SV470OL: Mario’s Axe « Mario Aguirre | Blog

    • Thank you, Friend! The shown catalogue was taken from Ibanez.com, and, unfortunately, I don’t have anything else. I bought my electric guitar on 1994, and nearly kept the original package until two or theree years ago (the box was really damaged, but I’m very fond of conservation … ha, ha!!! -don’t worry, the guitar has her own professional case, used when traveling-). I remember in this very moment that I have a Guitar Player issue, where this guitar appears … Well, within a few days, I’ll make the research, and I’ll send you the answer. I could send a color copy, if I find the advertisement.
      In other point, I’ve made a visit to your web, and I found it excellent. I have my musical pupils, also, and it’ll be very interesting for them to take a visit there, too; so, if you allow me, I’ll make a permanent link to your site.
      Best regards, and keep in contact. Meanwhile, there are some links, in this post, to other details and photographs (the «Close Up» is the best shoot Me and my Axe were taken! You’ll understand it, as the musician you’re: The thin silhouette of the Ibanez SV470OL is marvellous!)

  2. Pingback: Escribir un Blog – 2 - « Mario Aguirre | abogado – músico – escritor

  3. Pingback: Mario’s Axe: Ibanez SV470OL « Overear

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